On Thursday 13th, Quentin starts individual competition with Keirin.
Quentin competes in the Keirin for his 2nd day of competition. During the 1st round, there are 7 cyclists in 4 groups. The first two cyclists qualify for the next round. Four other cyclists are given a 2nd chance and compete with the qualified ones. It's a challenging level. Quentin finishes 5th, after F.H. Puerta Zapata, future silver medalist and M.A. Awang, future gold medalist. Fortunately Quentin is given a 2nd chance.
Just a few millimiters away from qualification...
Quentin gets a 2nd chance. He has pressure to win as only the winner gets to the next round. The final sprint is very close. It's so close that only the photo finish can decide of the winner. A. Vynokurov wins with a one millimiter difference.
"I'm so disappointed as I felt great. Unfortunately I hesitated a few times. At this level of competition, you pay the price. I'm in great shape. During the next two days, I'm going to rest in order to give my utmost best in the last competition. I usually succeed in the kilometer race and I want to to do well on Sunday!"